C++11 & task based concurrency - part 1

Task-based concurrency refers to the action of scheduling a number of tasks for execution and have a number of execution paths (threads) run concurrently to execute the tasks.

Task-based concurrency is not built into C++11 implementations since it is not part of the standard which I believe makes a lot of sense: I do not think it is possible to easily specify a task-based solution generic enough which makes sense to “standardize”.

As you will see in the second part of this post where I show a possible implementation for a task executor, creating your own solution with the new C++11 facilities is actually pretty straightforward.

A crash course on C++ 11 concurrency

I am introducing here the bare minimum amount of concepts required to understand the second part the article, a short list of resources useful for learning about parallel programming with C++ is presented at the end of this post.

Let’s do it together

When you need to solve a problem through computation on machines with multiple processing units (cores) it might be useful to split execution into multiple tasks to be executed in parallel to cooperatively carry on the computation.

One way of having multiple concurrent execution paths is to create threads.

Threads are concurrent execution paths created from within a process (a computer program being executed); the process itself runs inside a thread which is created when the process starts.

Tasks can be mapped to threads:

one to one: one task is executed by exactly one thread many to one: multiple tasks are executed sequentially by a single thread (1) implements thread-level concurrency, directly supported by C++ 11 and (2) implements task-based concurrency, not supported by C++ 11.

Note however that task-based concurrency is anyway supported at the operating system level: if you create more active threads than CPU cores the operating system will need to have multiple logical threads (created by user code) executed by a single hardware thread. And the operating system might indeed be very good at that by the way, so in some cases you might decide to just map one task to a single thread regardless of the number of threads you create.

C++11 threads

In C++ 11 threads are created through the std::thread object which accepts in its constructor the callable object (function, function object…) to execute together with the parameters to pass to it.

In the rest of the article I use the term parent thread to identify a thread which creates other threads and the term child thread to describe threads created by a parent thread.

In order to retrieve the results computed by child threads we need the child threads to write data into a buffer shared with the parent thread.

The parent thread will then have to wait until all of its child threads join the main thread, i.e. finish execution, and then read the results from the shared buffer(s).

The solution works provided the threads do indeed finish execution but what if the threads retrieve and process data from a queue in a loop ?

In this case you need a way to be notified each time data is available while the threads are still running; also, when you read the data you have to somehow protect the buffer you read from so that while a thread reads from the memory buffer other thread cannot access it for writing.

One way of dealing with this scenario is to wait until a result is available then lock somehow the memory region you want to read from and perform the read operation; in this case it is important to treat the wait-read sequence as an atomic operation so that when you are notified that data is available the memory region is already locked; the flow looks like:

  1. start thread
  2. wait and acquire lock when notified
  3. read data
  4. release lock

Provided you implement correctly all the required logic you still have one problem: exceptions.

If a thread throws an exception how do you forward it to the parent thread ?

You can think of using one shared buffer per thread to store exceptions, then check if an exception was raised once you are notified by the child thread.

Implementing also the exception handling part adds additional complexity to an already complex problem, so let’s look at another solution which happens to be readily available in C++ 11

Promise me you’ll remember

Another way to pass results from child threads to the parent thread is through some form of object which acts as a messenger between the child (created) thread and the parent (creator) thread.

The child thread tells the messenger to dispatch the result to the parent thread once the result is ready.

The parent thread retrieves the result from a mailbox provided by the messenger object at the messenger creation time, in case the result is not available the parent thread is automatically put into the wait state until the message is delivered to the mailbox.

Note: Here we discuss messages sent by the created thread to its creator but the messanger used to send messages can be passed to any thread waiting for the result returned from another thread.

In pseudo-code:

//Search two halves of the same text concurrently for a specific
//word and report the index of such word if found or a null/invalid value.

Search(start, end, messenger) {

Messenger messenger1;
Messenger messenger2;
Mailbox mailbox1 = messenger1.mailbox();
Mailbox mailbox2 = messenger2.mailbox();

Thread search_1st_half = Thread(Search,
                                start + half_text_length
Thread search_2nd_half = Thread(Search,
                                start + half_text_length,
                                start + full_text_length,

Index text_index_1st_half = mailbox1.Recv();
Index text_index_2nd_half = mailbox2.Recv();

if(valid(text_index_1st_half)) report(valid_index_1st_half);
else if(valid(text_index_2nd_half)) 
    report(valid_index_2nd_half + half_text_length);
else report("NOT FOUND");

For the above code to work, you need two objects, Messenger and Mailbox, because they are accessed from two separate threads: Messenger is accessed by the child thread and Mailbox by the parent thread.

Now, what if on top of the shown functionality the Messenger object also had a way to forward exceptions from child to parent thread ?

That would be great and that’s exactly what C++ 11 allows you to do.

The messenger is an std::promise, which represents a promise to perform a computation and the mailbox is an std::future which represents a value that will be available in the future.

Nice, but how do we signal an error without throwing an exception ?

You could return a composite data type with two members:

  • a valid/invalid flag
  • the actual return value if valid flag is true

C++14 was supposed to support such a case through the std::optional type but it was voted out of the standard and moved to a separate technical report; boost::optional is available though.

Task-based concurrency - take 1

We have seen what threads look like, now let’s look at a simple way to perform task based concurrency.

One easy way to have a pre-defined number of threads execute tasks, where the number of tasks is greater than the number of threads, is to launch the same number of threads multiple times and wait for completion until all tasks have been executed.

In the following example a task is represented by the execution of the function f: We execute the function f num_tasks times with num_threads threads running concurrently.

for(int t = 0; t != num_tasks; t += num_threads) {
    ThreadArray ta;
    for(int i = 0; i != num_threads; ++i) {
        t.push_back(Thread(f, data, t + i)); //calls f(data t + i)
    //join all threads before continuing to the next batch of tasks
    barrier(ta.begin(), ta.end()); //call .join() method on each thread

This works, but all the threads execute only once per task and new threads are created at each iteration.

Stop and go

To have a fixed number of pre-created threads perform all the computation you need to:

  1. create the threads
  2. put the threads in a wait state
  3. add tasks to a shared queue and wake up the threads
  4. have the threads retrieve and execute tasks in the queue
  5. go to (2)

The queue itself can be a single queue shared by all the threads.

You also need to have a way to send a termination request to the threads, should they need to be terminated before the process exists, which they always do unless you want to exit the process with a number of threads still in execution which results in a call to abort().

If all you want is to get rid of the error just override the default termination handler with your own:

void quiet_termination() { exit(0); }

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

One way of gracefully terminating threads running a wait-get-execute loop is to insert data (e.g. an empty task) recognized as a termination condition in the execution queue.


updated February 28, 2020

Part 2

Disclaimer: the first reference is to the official ISO C++ 11 standard document, if you can, do have a look at it; all the threading feautures are well described and in some cases easier to understand than on various online resources, and sample code is provided as well.